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Monday, November 10, 2008

We're Officially Back, We have new ramps!

Come and skateboard every Tuesday for the rest of this year. We have new ramps too. We're also working on some even newer ones that won't be ready for a little while yet. So get stoked to skate now, and if you have any sense of projectionary vision get stoked for the future. The future is now, but the future of the new ramps is not, soon though, soon. Rabble rabble.

Remember, if you're in Junior high or younger, please come skate from 5:30 PM CST(Calgary Standard Time) until 7:00 PM CST.


Otherwise, if you're current age count lands you in the High School or older age demographic please skateboard from 7:30 CST until we shut the lights off sometime around 9:30 CST.

Also, for those faithful attendies who might actually read this thing we promise to try and update it more often.

Thanks and hopefully see you on board, in the gym, at the church, wearing a helmet, smiling and trickulating.